07/31/2023 00:00:00 -0400

How to Grow Your Business Without Social Media: Best Methods

July 31, 2023

How to Grow Your Business Without Social Media: Key Methods

Three ladies smiling and laughing having coffee at a cafe

If you're looking for an easier way to attract clients that feels exciting instead of draining--read on!

- Network & collaborate
- Optimize SEO 
- Paid Ads
- Guest Blogging
- Pitch podcasts
- Trade shows
- Automated follow-ups
- Email marketing
Learning how to grow your business without social media is vital for mompreneurs, single moms, and women healing from unhealthy relationships ready to start over and thrive in peace.

We all know social media offers value to small business owners, but it's comforting to know that there are alternatives to gain substantial growth without social media.

In this post, we'll share multiple ways to expand your business presence without relying on social media.

Next, we'll explore strategies, such as networking with like-minded entrepreneurs and collaborating with local businesses and organizations. Creating synergies that tap into an existing customer base offers fresh opportunities for growth.

We'll also investigate the power of SEO optimization and the effectiveness of paid advertising options, including Google Ads campaigns. These often prove more accurate in targeting potential customers than content marketing efforts on social platforms.

Last, we'll explore the potential of email marketing campaigns and creating valuable evergreen content, whether blogging or podcasting. These approaches provide alternative channels for engaging with your target audience and showcasing your expertise in meaningful ways.

By implementing these strategies you can successfully grow your business without relying solely on unpredictable online algorithms that stifle progress and satisfaction.
Woman with headset on being interviewed for podcast by another woman

Table of contents

By attending online networking events for mompreneurs, you can create connections with like-minded women who understand the unique challenges of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship. It's liberating to immediately be understood.
Group of women in livingroom seated getting to know each other

Networking and Collaboration

Getting in touch with fellow mompreneurs through networking and teamwork can be a game-changer for growing your business, no need for social media alone!

Imagine hopping into online networking gatherings specifically designed for mompreneurs – it's like meeting friends who totally get the juggling act of being a mom and an entrepreneur.

These connections are something special. They offer not only emotional support but also incredible chances.

Picture this: referrals from other pros who genuinely value what you bring to the table. Finding my first local mom entrepreneur group was a complete game changer

Not only did I feel more connected with like-minded women, but I gained exposure to media, closed more contracts, and found so many organic opportunities to collaborate.
  • Online and in-person Networking Events: Participate in a mixture of online and in-person meetups specifically designed for mompreneurs where you can share experiences, exchange ideas, and build lasting connections.
  • Collaborating Locally: Reach out to complementary businesses within your area - think yoga studios offering childcare services or eco-friendly toy stores - catering to similar demographics.
Years ago, when I was feeling lonely and knew my business was stalling due to a lack of connecting to local opportunities in real life, I found a nearby working space that just opened and decided to pop in. It was empty!

Just by chatting up the site manager, I was connected to a large group of mom entrepreneurs the next day.

This one connection point opened the door to a paid contract by the organization and a bunch of new biz buds to collaborate with.

And the site manager became a friend and valuable client who opened the door to more business owners.

All of this blossomed from a single visit and a few brief emails exchanged reaching out to the group.

To maximize these collaborations and leverage the potential impact of growing your business without relying on social media, you can work out a way for both parties to regularly promote each other's products/services via newsletters or blog posts.

Co-hosting workshops or webinars also allows for more audience engagement while showcasing each person's expertise - another win-win situation.

Beautiful open collaborative workspace with windows, desks, plants, computers and no people
Embracing these offline marketing strategies opens doors for Audacious Mamas like you. It's a chance to succeed that goes beyond the realm of social media, helping you build tangible proof of your worth and silencing those nagging imposter syndrome thoughts.
Being able to maintain a peaceful confident state of mind while building a thriving business that takes care of your family's necessities and provides a reassuring sense of security—all by harnessing the magic of collaboration.

Networking and collaborations remain crucial for businesses, no matter their size.

And SEO optimization combined with paid advertising provides a way to expand your reach to a broader audience, driving business growth without relying on social media.

Key Takeaway:

Expanding your side hustle or service without leaning solely on social media?

Think about connecting with and collaborating alongside other businesses in your local community.

Or hopin into online gatherings tailor-made for mompreneurs.

By building connections and striking up partnerships, you'll naturally extend your reach and open fresh opportunities, all while lending support to fellow entrepreneurs.

Embracing offline marketing tactics empowers Audacious Mamas to flourish beyond the boundaries of social media platforms and can fuel your sense of real-world ownership as a mompreneur.

SEO Optimization and Paid Advertising

Boosting your online presence is essential for growing your business independently of social media.

One highly impactful approach is fine-tuning your website content to make it search engine-friendly, catering to platforms like Google and Bing.

Another worthwhile investment is diving into paid advertising avenues like Google Ads and YouTube ads. These channels can significantly enhance your visibility.

SEO - search engine optimization

Keyword Research for Targeted SEO Optimization

For effective website optimization, diving into targeted keyword research is crucial.

This means uncovering those relevant keywords that potential customers are likely to type in when looking for products or services similar to what you offer.

Tools like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer and Moz Keyword Explorer, or even Google's trusty Keyword Planner tool can be your best allies in finding these key terms.

Once you've pinpointed them, strategically weave them into your website's content. Think headings, meta descriptions, image alt tags, and body text. But remember, your focus should always be crafting engaging, informative, and search engine-friendly content. No keyword stuffing or overuse of terms in ways that come across as heavy-handed.

Creating Engaging Ad Campaigns on Google Ads

Once you've pinpointed them, strategically weave them into your website's content. Think headings, meta descriptions, image alt tags, and body text. But remember, your focus should always be crafting engaging, informative, and search engine-friendly content. No keyword stuffing or overuse of terms in ways that come across as heavy-handed.

Paid advertising campaigns present another avenue to connect with fresh audiences, reducing reliance on social media platforms.

Platforms like Google Ads give you the power to craft targeted ad campaigns meticulously tailored to the specific needs of your audience.

To ensure the success of these campaigns, use storytelling techniques in both your ad copy and visuals. The goal is to keep visitors engaged once they land on your site.

For instance, consider sharing compelling stories from people in your audience who've achieved a substantial win or found joy in purchasing one of your offerings.

"Boost your business without social media. Optimize your website with targeted SEO, paid ads on Google & engaging ad campaigns." 

#AudaciousMamas #EntrepreneurshipTips         

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Blogging and Podcasting

I've consistently stressed this point with my regular listeners and YouTube subscribers. By embracing the both blogging and podcasting, you can expand your business significantly, all without the necessity of social media. These platforms enable you to spotlight your expertise in front of your ideal audience.

If you enjoy sharing your insights through interviews, you'll quickly discover why this medium is potent, especially for busy entrepreneurial mothers.

Believe it or not, podcast guesting is still a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed, offering an incredible opportunity to attract fresh clients and solidify your status as an authority.

Tailoring content to suit your intended audience is essential, whether you're penning a blog post or appearing as a podcast guest. These platforms are perfect for displaying your expertise and solidifying your reputation as the go-to expert in your niche. It's a dynamic approach for attracting your ideal customers and ascending to the position of a thought leader.

Believe it or not, podcast guesting is still a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed, offering an incredible opportunity to attract fresh clients and solidify your status as an authority.
 Check out this free lesson &
the bonus PDF: How to Pitch a Podcast.

Creating Engaging Blog Content for Your Target Audience

Creating content that meets the specific needs of your target audience is a crucial part of successful blogging. Focusing on topics relevant to your audience can make valuable resources that keep readers coming back for more.

Consider sharing personal stories of overcoming challenges or offering actionable advice concerning your audience and their needs.

For example, if you're an infant sleep training consultant, share stories from your clients on how they've transformed their sleep, sanity, marriage, and work, as they were able to extend their infant's sleep and gain more winks themselves.

Keyword research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to identify popular search terms within your niche.

Tailored content: Create articles addressing your audience's pain points or interests.

Promotion: Share blog posts with email subscribers and through networking events (without relying on social media).

Sidenote: I'm guilty of posting and ghosting without sharing to my email list. But we have the power to amplify our authority by always taking time to share what we've created. If you find yourself avoiding this, find a simple CMS app like Mailchimp and set it all up in advance with a scheduled time to share to your email list. This way you're not clicking the share button real-time and any mental blocks you have are removed. 

Leveraging Podcasts for Business Growth

Besides blogging, the underdog of authority building is podcasts. Podcast guesting presents an easy, high-profile avenue for connecting with potential clients, all without the need for social media platforms.

Through exciting and engaging interviews with experts in related fields, and discussions about relevant issues your target audience faces, you can craft captivating audio content that resonates profoundly with listeners in search of guidance and support.

Here's how to make it happen:

Find niche podcasts: Reach out to hosts who share the same values as your business or project and have listeners who will benefit from your expertise.

How do you do this, and what do you say when you pitch? Grab my podcast pitching cheat sheet where I outline the steps.

Prepare for your interview: Consider creating a one-sheet with your info, links, and talking points. Create a lead magnet free giveaway on the show to collect email addresses. Invest in a solid low-cost microphone. Listen to their show to get a feel for what they may ask you during the interview.

Distribution: share your podcast to your email list! The host will do the same and should also share to social media. And a much as you want to avoid social media, this is the perfect time to leverage yours to get the most bang for your buck. Easy breezy social proof and credibility for you as the expert you are.

By incorporating blogging and podcasting into your marketing strategy, you can expand your business without relying on social media. These platforms offer genuine opportunities to connect with potential clients while showcasing the unique expertise that sets you apart from competitors.

Key Takeaway:
Podcast guesting is a powerful way to connect with potential clients outside social media. Engage in insightful interviews with niche podcasts, leveraging your expertise to provide valuable guidance. Prepare effectively, create lead magnets, invest in quality equipment, and expand your reach by sharing with your email list and encouraging the podcast host to share on their social platforms--and you should as well!

Combining podcasting with blogging allows you to grow your business authentically, highlighting your distinctive expertise and setting yourself apart from competitors.

Trade Shows and Follow-up Automation

Exhibiting at trade shows provides opportunities for face-to-face interactions with potential clients and colleagues. Automating your follow-up process after you contact them helps maintain relationships, and ensures your long-term growth without depending solely on social media engagement.

Selecting Relevant Trade Shows to Exhibit At

Finding the right trade show and conferences is crucial for maximizing your return on investment.

Start by researching events catering to your target audience or industry niche. Websites like TSNN, Tradeshow News Network, and 10Times can help you find options based on location, date, and your industry focus. I'm amazed by how many trade shows and conferences are happening daily including virtual.

Once you've narrowed down a list of potential events, spend time googling and  to evaluate their attendee demographics, past exhibitors' success stories, and overall reputation before committing.
CRM - Customer Relationship Management

Implementing CRM Tools to Automate Follow-ups

Maintaining connections with leads generated from trade shows is essential in converting them into paying clients.
Implement a customer relationship management (CRM) tool such as Salesforce, HubSpot CRM, or Mailchimp's built-in CRM features. These tools allow you to track lead information effectively while automating follow-up emails or tasks post-event.

Email sequences: Create personalized email campaigns targeting attendees who showed interest in your offerings during the event.

Scheduling appointments: If applicable, use scheduling software like Calendly within your CRM to book follow-up calls or meetings with potential clients.

Task reminders: Set up automated reminders for yourself or your team members to reach out and nurture leads immediately after the event.

By leveraging trade shows and automating follow-ups, you can grow your small business without relying solely on social media platforms. This approach allows you to establish genuine connections while maintaining long-term relationships that lead to steady growth.

Other marketing channels, such as content marketing, email marketing, paid advertising, and affiliate programs, can also help increase brand awareness and attract potential customers. Remember to start small and focus on your target audience for successful business growth.

Attending industry events and automating post-show outreach can create prospects, cultivate relationships with potential customers, and raise brand recognition.

As many preach, email is the one piece of real estate you own, and if used strategically to connect to give value, it can keep you off social media while building your business and empire. Email marketing is the piece of this puzzle that can be the glue, the rocket fuel, and your bread and butter all in one.

Email Marketing Campaigns

As an audacious mama, you can harness the power of email marketing campaigns to communicate directly with your target audience.
This approach is more straightforward than managing multiple social media accounts simultaneously and allows you to focus on providing valuable information tailored specifically to their needs.

Crafting Compelling Subject Lines That Boost Open Rates

Your email's subject line captures your reader's attention and entices them to open it. To keep compelling subject lines short, use action-oriented language, and incorporate personalization when possible.
For example:

  "Unlock Your Full Potential: Exclusive Tips for Mompreneurs"

  "[Name], Discover How You Can Increase Your Income Today."

  "The Secret Ingredient for a Thriving Business - Revealed."

email marketing campaign on a laptop and mobile device

Email Marketing Campaigns

Consider segmenting your email list based on customer interests or behaviors to make your email marketing campaigns even more effective.
Doing so allows you to send targeted content that resonates with each group better.

New subscribers: Send a welcome series introducing yourself and highlighting key resources they might find helpful.

Potential clients: Share case studies showcasing how you've helped other mompreneurs succeed in their businesses.

Existing clients: Offer exclusive promotions or updates on new products/services tailored to them.

Email marketing campaigns are a powerful tool for growing your business without relying on social media platforms. By crafting compelling subject lines and segmenting your email list based on customer interests, you'll create meaningful connections with your audience while promoting business growth as an audacious mama entrepreneur.

Email campaigns can be an effective way to foster relationships with customers and drive sales.

Blogging and podcasting are two more ways to reach your target audience effectively.

Key Takeaway:
As a single mom entrepreneur healing from financial and emotional abuse, you can grow your business without social media by using email marketing campaigns. Crafting compelling subject lines that boost open rates and segmenting email lists based on customer interests are effective ways to create meaningful connections with your audience while promoting business growth as an audacious mama entrepreneur.

FAQs About How to Grow Your Business Without Social Media

Can You Grow a Business Without Social Media?

Yes, growing a business without relying on social media is possible. Strategies such as networking and collaboration, SEO optimization and paid advertising, trade shows, email marketing campaigns, blogging, and podcasting can help businesses reach their target audience effectively.

How Can I Promote My Business Without Social Media?

To promote your business without using social media platforms, consider attending online networking events for mompreneurs or collaborating with local businesses. Invest in SEO optimization through keyword research and create engaging ad campaigns on Google Ads to increase visibility.

How Do I Grow My Business Off Social Media?

Growing your business off social media involves using strategies like exhibiting at relevant trade shows and implementing CRM tools to automate follow-ups. Focus on building strong customer relationships through targeted email marketing campaigns that include compelling subject lines and segmented lists based on customer interests.

How Can I Grow My Business Without Instagram?

Without Instagram, you can still expand your business by creating valuable content via blogging, podcast guesting, or hosting a podcast or YouTube channel related to your niche.
Consider introducing an affiliate program where you partner with customers or related businesses to refer their friends and family to you so everybody wins, and they, in turn, get a small percentage of the business they refer.

Keep in mind a successful marketing strategy isn't one-size-fits-all. You lay the foundation for your business's growth and prosperity by trying new things and mixing up your marketing efforts.

Experimentation with diverse tactics tailored to your target audience is essential and makes everything more fun and opens the door for a bit of magic!

So, of all these ideas, which ones appeal to you most? Let me know in the comments.

Laptop, roses, woman's feet up on desk relaxing loving life = no social media


How to Grow Your Business Without Social Media

As a mompreneur, woman looking to create new streams of income, single mom, or woman healing from narcissistic abuse striving to start over and thrive in peace, you may be wondering how to grow your business without relying on social media. Fortunately, there are several ways to do so.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Partnering with other businesses or organizations can help expand your reach and attract new customers. Attend networking events and collaborate on projects to increase visibility.
  • SEO Optimization and Paid Advertising: Optimize your website for search engines and consider investing in paid advertising to drive traffic to your site.
  • Trade Shows and CRM Tools: Attend relevant trade shows to generate leads and automate follow-ups using CRM tools.
  • Email Marketing: Create compelling email marketing campaigns with subject lines that boost open rates. Segment your email lists based on customer interests to increase engagement.
  • Blogging and Podcasting: Establish thought leadership and drive traffic back to your website by creating valuable blog posts and podcasts.
By implementing these strategies, you can grow your business without relying solely on social media platforms. Remember, social media is just one tool in your marketing toolbox. Don't be afraid to explore other options and find what works best for your business.

For more tips and resources on growing your business, check out Audacious Mamas on YouTube or listen to the podcast.

Taking charge of your income through scaling and growing your small business, creating a new side hustle, or taking steps to grow your income helps you gain confidence and empower your financial vision.

Check out this Audacious Resource for Biz Mamas to amplify your business and steer yourself toward success.
Taking charge of your income through scaling and growing your small business, creating a new side hustle, or taking steps to grow your income helps you gain confidence and empower your financial vision.
Stephani Roberts
Author/Podcast Host
Content Strategist and Podcast Host. My journey is all about helping you save time and get your life back all while making a greater impact.

Your content should work for you, whether it's the art of organic SEO or the magic of attraction marketing. I want to help you  tell stories and share value that drives traffic.