Welcome! Busy entrepreneurs, multitasking wizards, and masters of all things.

I've got a special message just for you.

Picture this: You're juggling a thriving business, a bustling household, and a never-ending to-do list.


Well, it's that elusive creature that always seems to slip through your fingers, leaving you scrambling to squeeze in even a moment for yourself.

I get it.

As a fellow content creator and strategist, I know the struggle is real.

That's why I'm here to offer you a helping hand, a lifeline, and a sigh of relief all wrapped into one. Together, we'll tame the chaos, conquer the content creation conundrum, and bring harmony to your online presence.

But enough with the formalities—let's get down to business. Here's what you can expect when we join forces:

Imagine a power-packed day dedicated to your personal branding and content creation. We'll roll up our sleeves, unleash our creativity, and churn out a plethora of captivating content. Say goodbye to that dreaded blank screen and hello to a full calendar of engaging social posts, blog articles, captivating audiograms, and more. It's like having a content creation party, but without the cheesy hats!

Sound good? Let's book a quick chat to see if we're a fit!


Ready to take it to the next level? Buckle up, my friend, because we're diving deep. During this full week of strategic collaboration, we'll tackle everything from amplifying your brand's voice to creating a magnetic lead magnet that will have potential clients lining up to work with you. It's the ultimate content creation adventure!

Sound like a dream? Let's book a quick chat to see if we're a fit!

Ready to take your expertise to the airwaves and become a sought-after guest on top podcasts? Let's amplify your authority and expand your reach through podcasting. Together, we'll create a podcast pitch package that will leave hosts eager to have you on their shows.

With my guidance, we'll craft a stellar podcast one sheet that showcases your unique brilliance and irresistible pitches that grab the attention of podcast hosts. I'll provide targeted podcast recommendations that align with your niche and audience, ensuring maximum exposure to your ideal clients.

And to keep you organized and on top of your podcasting game, I'll even provide you with a handy tracking sheet. Say goodbye to scattered notes and hello to a streamlined process that allows you to effortlessly follow up and build valuable relationships with podcast hosts. It's the ultimate content creation adventure that will skyrocket your authority and visibility.

If podcast guesting and authority are what your after, let's get you going! Book a quick chat to see if we're a fit!

Steph Roberts


Hello! I'm Steph Roberts

I've been an online entrepreneur, digital adviser, and trainer for more than 25 years. I shaped the online presence of two successful start-ups, built MIT Web accessibility solutions for over a decade, and coded award-winning websites for public television.

In 2015 I was inspired to share a message of support and inspiration for women exiting the hidden abuse of coercive and controlling toxic relationships. The following year I launched the Audacious Mamas podcast to understand better how high-performing moms in business blend parenting and leadership. I want to empower women who face barriers along their journey and inspire them to step into their power, support them in holding the vision, follow a path to success and see them thrive.



I've spent 20+ years working on and evaluating websites and software for accessibility and project use. I've worked with countless tools for web, graphics, social media, audio and video editing, blog writing, email, courses, and more.

Sales, marketing, web coding, training, Web accessibility evaluations for MIT
and clients


Social media marketing, Web accessibility, UX content writing, consulting, and PR pitching

Websites, online training, marketing videos, podcast interviews, articles, tutorials, courses, blog posts



I grew up with two older brothers and a single mother who had a successful career in radio sales and was dedicated to her church community. We were typical latchkey kids who figured out life on our own while our mom worked and did her thing.

When I was thrust into a single mom role raising my two little girls, I knew I wanted to do things differently. My parents were deceased, and I was indeed on my own. I had to figure out a creative way to be there for them both emotionally and financially as we all adjusted to a new life in a new town, new schools, and community.

Breaking out of higher ed after many years and starting a digital marketing consultancy wasn't easy but it allowed me the time and flexibility to be the mom I wanted to be while helping clients and honed my digital skills.

It also gave me time to pursue my passion for podcasting and creating content to spotlight hidden emotional abuse and coercive control to help women break free from toxic relationships.

Steph Roberts



It's tough going it alone and there's so much noise out there with strategies, blueprints, and all kinds of messages telling you what you "must have" making you feel exhausted from all of it. I've been there!

Block it out. Focus on you. Your life, Your talents.

Your dream.

Let's make it happen your way. One step at a time.