24 Jun 2019

Savvy Authors Choose This Platform

JUNE 24, 2019

Savvy Authors Choose This Platform

Why podcasting is perfect for Authors and Speakers looking to grow their audience

Show Notes:

Authors and speakers have the benefit of having excellent content under their belt and as communicators their messaging is clear. All of this lends itself naturally to podcasting.
So if you're an author looking to expand your audience and you haven't explored highly targeted podcast appearances, you need to listen to this episode.
You have a distinct advantage on podcasts and it's a no-cost way to get your message around your book and expertise out to new audiences who are already thirsty for what you're offering.
In this episode, I explore the benefits of podcasting for authors as well as specific ways you can repurpose your content and podcast appearances to get more reach and spend less time coming up with social media content.

Mentioned in this episode...

Lots of Love,
Stephani Roberts
Author/Podcast Host
I'm a personal branding strategist who specializes in helping women tap into their true potential. I help them identify and showcase the skills, talents, gifts they have to offer so that they can leverage these core qualities with confidence for greater success in both work and life (and be more fulfilled).
I give you back your voice by drawing out what's already inside of you- then we create an actionable plan together step-by-step.
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